... czech and slovak music guide ...

Jan Zach

born: 1699-11-13
died: 1773-05-24
birthplace: Celakovice
diedplace: Ellwangen

Czech composer, excellent organist and violinist, probably pupil of B.M.Cernohorsky. In 1732 he became the organist at St. Simon and Judas, Prague. In 1733 organist at St. Martin, Prague. In 1737 he unsuccessfully applied for the position of organist at famous St. Vitus Cathedral. In 1745 he left Prague and became the bandmaster in Mainz, Germany. Since 1756 he has no permanent job and earns his living as travelling musician and composer, selling his compositions in Italy, Austria and Germany. He died in Elwagen, Germany; he has been buried there in the local basilique. His early compositions are in baroque style; later works contain elements of approaching classicism. He was a hot-tempered man which is recognizable in many of his organ and vocal compositions.

  • 36 symphonies (e.g. Sinfonia No. 3 in A, rec by Brno Chamber soloists)
  • 14 concerts (flute, cembalo, violin and oboe)
  • organ preludes and fugues
  • chamber compositions (partita,sonata and other compostitions for cembalo, trio sonatas, string quartets...)
  • sacred music (among others about 30 masses)


Mala encyklopedie hudby (dr. Jar. Smolka; &kolektiv, Supraphon 1983)


Preludium and fuga c-moll (MP3) (rec. by Jirina Pokorna, 1997)


Last update 2012-07-03